The Process

To submit your review, simply navigate to your the relevant repo on GitHub. Clone their repo however you like. Review their homework for that week. Use the homework-rubric to structure your review.

Please format your review as follows:

Your review should look something like this:

Topic Excellent Satisfactory Needs Work
Substantive claims X
Coding style X
Coding strategy #4
Presentation: graphs - - -
Presentation: tables - - -
Achievement, creativity X
Ease of access #2, #3


Here’s a markdown tempate that you can copy-and-paste into your comment on GitHub as a template.

| Topic                     | Excellent     | Satisfactory  | Needs Work          |
|-------------------------  |-----------    |-------------- |-------------------- |
| Substantive claims        |               | X             |                   |
| Coding style              |               |              |                   |
| Coding strategy           |               |               | #4                  |
| Presentation: graphs      | -             | -             | -                   |
| Presentation: tables      | -             | -             | -                   |
| Achievement, creativity   |               |               |                     |
| Ease of access            |               |               | #2, #3              |


- Some specific praise.
- Something I learned.
- If you gave excellent in any category, be sure to explain here--you should be greedy with your excellents. I give maybe three all semester.
- Other comments...

The Grade

To assign a score for the homework reviews, the TA will use their judgment and assess the quality of the review.

Points Descriptions
1.25 exceeds expectations
1.0 meets expectations
0.5 fails to meet expectations
0 unacceptable

Please follow the instructions below for submitting a review. Make sure to review the submission carefully. If you see a way to improve the work (see the homework rubric for ideas), then make suggestions! Make sure your comments are specific and complete. If you see an area that needs work, be sure to open an issue ticket in that repo.

Ways to get a 0.5 or a 0:

  • Be mean.
  • Be vague.
  • Fail to identify a specific praise.
  • Fail to identify something you learned.

You should find a “Needs Work” on most homework assignments. If you don’t find a “Needs Work,” then you probably are not reviewing carefully enough. Note that I do not grade the submitter based on the number of suggestions you make, but I do grade you based on the thoroughness of your review.

In general, students do not review each other’s work nearly carefully enough. I want you to clone their repo, run their code, and find ways to improve it. I plan to give out a lot more 0s and 0.5s this semester.

Creative Commons License
Carlisle Rainey