aug 22 software, data, and description [cm01] [hw01]
aug 29 histograms [cm02] [hw02]
sep 05 Labor Day :: no class
sep 12 data wrangling [cm03] [hw03]
sep 19 location, scale, and the normal approximation [cm04] [hw04]
sep 26 scatterplot, correlation, and regression [cm05] [hw05]
oct 03 box model: chance processes in the long run [cm06] [hw06]
oct 10 sample surveys and confidence intervals [cm07] [hw07]
oct 17 hypothesis tests + t.test()
oct 24 basics of probability [hw09]
oct 31 probability mass functions
nov 07 probability density functions [hw11]
nov 14 point estimates [hw12]
nov 21 interval estimates [hw13]
nov 28 hypothesis tests + mc simulations [hw14]